Want to learn more about opportunities for adult ministry, faith formation, and fellowship? Speak with Pastor Chris Chatelaine-Samsen.

Adult Faith Formation

meeting lounge - 1ST SUNDAYs AT 11:45 A.M.

Does the Bible still matter? Does it make a case for social justice? And if it does, how do we read it in a way that helps us understand God’s intentions for the world?

Save the date(s) for a new faith formation class series to be held on for the first Sunday of the month at 11:45 a.m. in the upstairs Meeting Lounge. We will explore with Pastor Chris one of the following issues, including what the Bible does (and does not) say about it, and how to read the Bible holistically to help us navigate some of the most consequential issues of our time.

  • OCTOBER 1 - Gun Violence

  • NOVEMBER 5 - Health Care

  • DECEMBER 3 - Criminal Justice

  • JANUARY 7 - Economic Rights

  • FEBRUARY 4 - Anti-Racism

  • MARCH 3 - Gender Equality

  • APRIL 7 - Climate Change

  • MAY 5 - Queer Identity

Bible Study


This class offers an opportunity to get to know a small group of Central people and to share perspectives on the Bible passages of the day. On most Sundays, the focus is on the passage that will be the text for the sermon that morning.  Everyone is always welcome on any Sunday, with no preparation needed.  The spirit of the group is to learn from each other and listen to differing views with interest and respect. 

To learn more about Bible Study, speak with Maureen Smith or contact the church office.